Contact Us

To the best of our abilities, all of your comments are valued, and we are glad to clarify any questions that you have had. As always, our best effort is directed toward giving you outstanding customer service and ensuring that you can seek our help in selecting the proper uniform. It can’t hurt to greet so please do not hesitate to call or email us if you have any questions about how to order any of our specialties or if you need further information.

You may contact us at : (333) 510-4320

Our customer service department will help you with any questions regarding our products.

Would rather email? No problem! You can reach us at

We'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible, whether you have inquiries concerning sizes, shipping, or specific styles of scrubs.

To send a message via this site, please complete the contact form feature below. This includes putting your name, your e-mail address, your phone number, and a message.

Make sure to follow us on various social media platforms. More official pages are available to like and receive updates on new products, special offers, or featured customer reviews. On top of that, you can write us directly on any social media site, and we will respond.

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Your Satisfaction is Our Priority

Without a doubt, people at MAB Scrubs work diligently to make the best scrubs and serve all their customers. Still, if you have questions, concerns, or feedback, feel free to let us know as we are glad to assist!

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